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Professional Summary

My research program currently focuses on systematics, biogeography and ecology of fishes and my personal taxonomic/geographic groups of interest have included, but are not limited to: southeast Asian loaches (Acanthocobitis, Paracanthocobitis, Schistura), North American coastal and inland fishes and deep-sea fishes (multiple taxa). I also have an interest in museum collection practices, policy and technology. I have helped to refine techniques for rehydrating dehydrated museum specimens and worked on various curation methods in fishes. I also serve on multiple museum, university and scientific community-based committees. I currently also serve on several PhD and Master's committees. 



For my PhD, I explored interdisciplinary uses of natural history museum data, and outlets for education and outreach using museum data and specimens. With my colleague Kevin Love we produced as web resource for exploring the data harvested during my dissertation work: My funding for my PhD came from iDigBio, an NSF funded initiative to digitize natural history collections in the United States.

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